Ways to Work with Wendy and Your Divine Guidance

There are several ways to begin to explore your inner guidance, uplift your energy and discover the true you that lives within. Take a look at these programs...each designed to access and speak to your inner wisdom in a way that fits you. All are designed to help you ascend to your highest self, and believe in your power to be.
Explore here:

Elevate Your Energy/ Group Session $33

These sessions are energy transmissions ~ adjustments for you, to uplift, align and rebalance your energy. Participants feel a shift of some sort...I don't know what that will be for you, everyone is unique. Think of it as a spa for your energy. And, I will be channeling special messages that come through based on who is in the group and what you need. One Wednesday each month. You do not need to present for the transmissions to be received.

Energy Immune Boosts

To strengthen your system. This is very popular with my clients and their families. One client calls it having a “Healer on Retainer.” This is help in a jiffy if you feel like you, or your children, are getting sick. Receive insight and healing quickly. I clear emotions and other aspects that may be suppressing your system, from physical, emotional, mental and spiritual avenues. You will be empowered with knowledge to follow your own wisdom within.

The Nourish Audio Series $33

What a wonderful feeling...to feel good in your body. Vibrant, strong, clear, energized. That's the promise of the Nourish Audio Series. 28 separate audios delivered right to your inbox every other day....

Connect with Your Soul's Purpose
The Akashic Records are an energetic database that contain every thought, feeling, action and experience for every soul that has ever lived. Also referred to as "the Book of Life", Universal Consciousness.

My Free Gift for You

This meditation helps clear your energy while also connecting and grounding you to your inner compass of the LOVE you truly are. It also helps remind you of your connection to your guides and other benevolent beings here supporting you and your growth from exactly where you are right now!

Wendy Vigdor-Hess is an Intuitive Coach, Sacred Guide, Best-Selling Author and Speaker. She guides women in their empowerment to lead authentic embodied lives, so they can be connected to, and guided by, all parts of themselves ~ mind, body, spirit, emotions and soul.


If you'd like to speak with me about a Private Session, or my 1 to 1 Private Coaching, email me here: [email protected]

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